The first class is scheduled for Monday, September 9th and classes go until the end of April. Classes are scheduled afternoons and evenings during the week. There are 2 end of the dance year recitals, which is a time to show off all our dance moves. The recitals are at the Columbus High School. The dates have not been finalized. I will inform you as soon as I can confirm with the school.
There are 5 types of classes that are offered:
Because the desire for certain types of dance changes every year, I try to provide a class for all levels of dance. Sometimes there is not enough interest in one level. Therefore, I have decided to only run a class with at least 6 students. If there are not enough students to make a class, I will try to merge them with another comparable group. If not, I will not be able to offer that class this year.
I have detailed tuition, costume deposit, and dress code policies below. Please understand and keep as a reference for the dance year.
The viewing lounge is an essential part of the studio, just as you are an essential part of your child’s love for dance.
This year viewing will only be available one week per month. Please refer to the lobby calendar for the viewing week. Student Teachers, Sabrina, or myself will help your child with their dance shoes and stay with them until you return.
There will be NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES (except for water bottles) permitted in the dance area.
All food and drinks must stay in the viewing lounge.
Partners Open House is Wednesday, August 21 from 4-7 pm. We will be sizing for shoe orders and selling fun dance apparel. Stop in to see the staff and get a tour. We also will have our free shoe swap available.
Tuition Options For Class Type
Tap, Jazz, & Tumbling: $55 per month
Full year: $385
Tumbling: $45 per month
Full year: $315
Pre Ballet/Ballet: $40 per month
Full year: $280
Advanced Ballet/Pointe: $55 per month
Full year: $385
Hip Hop: $40 per month
Full year: $280
Lyrical: $55 per month
Full year: $385
Tuition is due the 15th of each month for monthly option or September 15th for full year option.
Please let me know if you are paying full tuition.
Tuition Policy
Either a personal check, cash, or credit card are excepted payments.
Discounts are available for 3 or more classes.
Monthly tuition is divided into 8 equal months for lessons received for a full year dance session (September- April), NOT on lessons per month. Payments are due the 15th of each month, regardless of attendance, school closures, etc.
No credit for missed classes. Dropped classes will be refunded up to the end of the given month dropped and costume deposit is nonrefundable.
Any payment received after the 15th will be charged a non-refundable $5.00 late fee per month until payment is received. A $25.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks.
If you discontinue a class after November 15th, all costume balances are your responsibility.
In case there is an Act of God the studio does not refund students for canceled classes due to acts of God examples:
fires, storms, pandemics.
Costume Deposit
A $30.00 costume deposit is required per class to be paid by September 15th. This helps cover the cost of costumes before they are paid in full at costume try on week. Keeping costume costs reasonable is always a priority. The remaining balance will be posted in January 2024 to parent portal. Costume deposit is nonrefundable if class is dropped.
Dress Code
For tap dancing, black tap shoes are required. For jazz, black ballet shoes or jazz oxford is appropriate. For ballet, pink ballet slippers are required. For hip-hop, black dance sneakers are required. No shoes are used for tumbling. Leotards, tights, leggings, shorts, t-shirts, etc are acceptable. Jeans (including stretch) and dresses without appropriate undergarments are noT allowed. Students not following dress code will be asked to sit out of class. Deodorant is required for dancers 3rd grade and older.
Recital Consent
Partners Dance Studio LLC works toward an end of the year recitals. The recitals will be scheduled in April of 2025. This teaches teamwork, commitment, self-pride, and progress. Attendance is essential to achieve this standard. If for some reason you cannot attend class, please call to let us know. There are additional costs for costumes. Children are required to attend mandatory rehearsals for the recital.
COVID Safety
Please do not send your dancer to the studio if they have a fever, runny nose, and cough. Partners' viewing room will only be open one week per month for viewing. Please refer to the announcement calendar in the lobby. Parents can come in to help get on young dancer’s shoes for class but are only allowed to stay on viewing week. Parents are welcome to come in to shop retail items. Staff will be cleaning all mats and surfaces between classes. Staff will be cleaning the viewing room and bathrooms throughout studio open hours.
Monday, November 25
Tuesday, November 26
Wednesday, November 27
Thursday, November 28
Monday, December 23
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
Thursday, December 26
Monday, December 30
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Thursday, January 2
Monday, March 17
Tuesday, March 18
Wednesday, March 19
Thursday, March 20
(March 17-20 will be used as snow day make-up classes if needed)
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